
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fave Things Thursday

This is another one of those new things I'm trying. Since a lot of my inspiration comes from Pinterest, Thursdays (or most, anyways) will be dedicated to the things that I find ever so inspirational. And, also in most cases, I'll link to them when I can. And just as a fair warning, some of these things may also relate to my next Tutorial Tuesday posts. :)

Today's inspiration is for the kitchen. In order to want to be in the kitchen (aka - COOK), I need to at least be surrounded by pretty colors/decor. I mean, who wants to cook in a drab kitchen (let alone, cook at all)? Am I right? One of my favorite kitchen decor trends right now is the "EAT" decor everyone seems to be buying or diy-ing. (Hey, that rhymed.) There are so many different and fun ways to make it suit your kitchen and these are the ones I really like.

How cute is this one with the spoon and fork?

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I pretty much love turquoise anything

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How adorable is the coral bunting above this one?

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I love the metallic look of this one

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Last but not least, how sweet are these jars?

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I will somehow or another be incorporating the EAT decor in my kitchen. Granted, mine probably won't be anything extravagant but I think it will look great with the spoon, fork and knife frames I already have hanging on the wall. Picture of that to come soon!

Happy Thursday everyone!


  1. Those are all great!!! I especially love the one with the spoon & fork.

  2. I love these! I have some leftover barn wood. Maybe I need to cut an "eat" out of barn wood!

    Thanks for inspiring me!

