
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Carrot Cake Cupcakes

On Halloween, I made cupcakes for my study group/friends and my ICM group.
(ICM is our Intro to Clinical Medicine course where we learn how to take patient histories, communicate effectively, etc.)
Anyways, those cupcakes turned out to be a big hit, even though they were just boxed funfetti cupcakes with store-bought icing. So, for this week's meeting, I decided to make some homeade cupcakes to show them some real skills.
Okay, not really. I had just been eyeing a recipe I found online for these carrot cupcakes (mainly because the pictures of them are so pretty), and I finally decided I wanted to try them. 
Oh, and classmates make the perfect guinea pigs for taste-testing.  Well, they are more like vultures really.
You can probably imagine the amount of people that want to be my friend for a day when I bring cupcakes, especially since I have ~180 classmates and only 24 cupcakes - you do the math.

I just followed the recipe (linked above) and this is how they turned out

You'd be amazed at the number of med students who get impressed over "pretty" cupcakes and tell you that you should have opened a bakery instead of going to medical school.
Honestly guys, it's not that impressive. It's just some measly sprinkles.

I will admit, however, that they tasted pretty good.
But, no carrot cake will ever be as good as my grandma's.

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a blog! Can I be your bff seeing how I'm the first to comment?
