
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Let the Med School Adventures Begin!

Soooo, I survived my first week of med school.
And I know you are all dying to know what its like/how its going.
Instead of boring you all with every detail of my week, I came up with a list of things I learned this week:

1. All medical students should be jumping off the walls with excitement at 8:00 am on the first day of school
(Otherwise, you will repeatedly be asked if you're excited)
2.  I am going to have to schedule every detail of my life into a planner
3.  "Medical school is going to be the hardest thing I will ever do"
4.  Always remember to bring change for the vending machines
5.  Your classmates will make fun of you if you show up at the bowling alley with your own bowling shoes
6.  Medical school is going to be like high school
7.  People are going to clap after every lecture (that's got to stop, mmkay?)
8.  I need to learn how to make a budget and how to balance school and everything else I want to do
9.  I have pretty awesome classmates
10.  "We are all going to specialize in geriatrics because there are too many old people"
(Okay, that last one was kind of a joke)

However, I think the most important thing I learned this week, was that I am definitely pursuing the right profession and I can not be more excited about what the next four years hold.

I hope everyone had a great week!
And obviously, I will post again when I can :)

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